Intimacy Avoided
A caterpillar hides
to survive
looking like the food it eats
it cheats
the gardener of good food
it repeats
the cycle a hundred fold
when nothing restricts
its way.
A little thing can grow
hinder growth
and spoil a crop
like sin that often justifies
or tries to hide
imitating something good
it lies before the truth.
A story long ago
reveals an ancient truth
that sin will temp the sinner
to hide before the Truth
to justify and run.
It motivates a loss
of naked love that shares
and reaps a hundred fold
of many kinds of tears/tares.
A story long ago
reveals an ancient truth
that God still longs for love
from the sin full human race
a love that sees the truth
and embraces face to face
accepting outstretched arms
an intimate
garden bridge
to the healing balm
the valued conversation.